Course Description

Create Facebook lives that flow and help you to connect to your tribe, then go on to create new clients.

Create your own style of confidence on camera, while you keep as cool as a cucumber.

Borrow my Visibility Raising VIBES to safely share, Credibly Connect and Authentically Engage your audience

Are you bogged down with Facebook "Flip-Ups?

FB FLIP UP 1: You’re not connecting with your community to best get your message across. This could be a declining audience, people not taking your subject seriously or people not knowing that you’re even online

FB FLIP UP 2: You find yourself putting off doing Facebook lives, saying that you’re too busy, you don’t need them, you’ll do them next month…feeling like you’re just not ready yet

FB FLIP UP 3: You struggle to remember what to say and how best to say it without the waffle, the cringe factor or the red neck

FB FLIP UP 4:You wonder what the fuss is about and why people don’t just do videos or YouTube instead, you feel like you’re missing something, you know? A bit like the emperors new clothes? They (the world and his wife) get it but you don’t

FB FLIP UP 5: You don’t like the fact you can’t edit them and have to do it in one live cringe inducing take and you definitely don’t want to or see the point of becoming Facebook famous, you’re not ‘that’ kind of person. You know of Fame-Hungry-Big-Brother-Seeking proportions!

And an extra FB FLIP UP: You’re an introvert, so you don't do extroverted stuff like that! Oh no no no no no *shakes head and hides under duvet*

Instead let’s win with lives, in these 5 ways, (no wine necessary, we’ll do this without a single drop passing your lips)

Win 1: Connect with existing and new people that you actually love and don’t dread, we'll say no more *taps side of nose knowingly*

Win 2:People jump on! You shriek with delight, waking the baby, the kids, the lover, scaring the pets and in some cases scaring the neighbours

Win 3: People you admire start watching your lives they’re actually picking up what you’re putting down! Cue mad happy dance

Win 4:You start to get those messages, NO not those messages but messages from people asking how they can find out more about you or the work you do. Yesssss those ones!

Win 5: You are now happily making an offer, only this time whether they sign up, hop over or buy or whether they don’t you feel happy in your bones, boots or belly or wherever you feel happiness

How is this different to what other people share?

What others trying to teach this will do…
X Count your erms
X Tell you to buy special equipment
X Get you to wear make up (even the men)
X Tell you to buy a fancy pants holders for your camera
X Tell you to rerecord until it 'better'
X Get you to dress up 9often making you feel in authentic)
X Overwhelm you with complicated, time consuming processes... they'll give you too much to remember

What I do
✅ I’ll ignore your erms, embrace your accent and listen to your language, because focussing on your erms, only makes you…. erm... say it more!

✅ Tell you to go with what you’ve got! Your mouth, your phone, your arm, build traction and income and then get all fancy and buy what you need, once you’ve mastered your art and you will, if you decide to!

✅ Just broadcast, no hairdressers, stylists or makeup artists required, and no bronzing for you men. I show up ‘au natural’ but with clothes on, … apart from this one time when… actually never mind.

✅ Teach you what to do when your phone starts to wobble, or falls over and take care of what you do, if you wobble too (I’m a bit mumsy, like that)

✅ Show you what to do, when a siren squeals, a child or partner walks in and if you have a coughing fit or the other 101 things you worry about without having to re record, edit or have your livestream go viral like that BBC interview man and then be accused of child abuse and marrying your nanny!

✅ Re the dressing up piece, I’ll just say it here, wear whatever you want! If you heard an earlier Facebook live (around 10 months back) I talked about buying black pyjama's *winks as if you heard that top tip*

Your 5 Main Takeaways...

Actually DO those Facebook Lives, which shares your subject, the kind which help your audience find you and grows your confidence

Keep Consistent to give people a different perspective, another perspective, your perspective, so that you’re there for them and they can count on you when they need you. Especially important for you if you don’t teach business building or money making skills

Raise YOUR Visibility making you want consistency at least once a week and ‘loving the lives’ even if your planning is not great AND you can conquer your confidence while creating great content. I call that ‘Credivisity’ or credible visibility

Handle Facebook Interruptions like a don, so that you’re no longer phased, or distracted, you won’t even sweat the petty things and escape looking as cool as a cucumber

Plan what to do when your signal stalls and you lose your audience, without resorting to bribery or career culling to get them back

In summary:

Stop getting distracted when people hop on

Find a way to deal with nerves

Sound even more confident and credible?

Do Facebook live without writing pages and pages of notes... or without looking like a deer caught in headlights!

Do Facebook lives to drive sales if that's what floats your boat!

THE NEXT LIVE MASTERCLASS IS : Friday 17-11-17 at 11:11am and runs in 4 60 minute content packed segments

If you miss any of it, there will be recordings, but you'll gain more by being live...I will be!

Apparently this is mega important for you too! "Where on earth is the timer? How do I know how long I’ve been speaking for?

If you've read this far, you're ready but scared

Completely bewildered but ready to jump in


Loving this and feeling to swipe my copy!!!! *bad joke*

Hit yessssssssss aka as the buy button and I'll see you in class!

Jenny Kovacs ~ Visibility Specialist

aka The Queen of Being Seen

A Few Answers to a Few Questions aka FAQ's

1. Jenny why is this date so soon?

Because you're likely sick of waiting. I know that you are keen to get going and get your Facebook lives out there.

You don't want to hang around, you don't want to wait until September or Christmas or next year to get going, you want to start being more visible now.

2. Jenny why isn't this free?

I'll be honest with you...
This is not advice! this is as a result of doing over 500 Facebook lives alone and in excess of 1500 video's and webinars!

In my experience, when we are committed to learning something and specifically doing something really well, attending free classes or watching free webinars and trying to cobble it all together ourselves gets us into overwhelm and difficultly different results!

There are two important things to note here:

1. In the past where I have shared information or valuable content for free, quite often the receiver then makes a choice as to whether they use that content or not. In their mind it becomes advice which they can take or leave.

2. I don't want to teach you to run your business where you share your gold and offer your services all of the time for free. Otherwise, your own people could also make the choice of whether to use what you're sharing seriously, or take what you do as 'take it or leave it advice'.

This isn't a 'learn how to do it and take a ton of notes' type of deal. It's a know how to do it as you and get actual results.

Results like;

- growing the viewers who watch AND share your lives, so that it's not always you having to spread the word.

- forming connections with those who watch live and on the replay so that you ALL get to know each other better

- the selling your services element of Facebook lives and why to pay attention after the live as well as during the live

3. Isn't this only for Absolute beginners Jenny?

Absolutely not!

Novices will benefit from setting up, starting and getting consistent on their lives.

Dab hands will value how to reach different audiences, grow their list through lives and get more visibility to their work.

And Facebook lives "Old hands" will learn how to leverage lives on other platforms like LinkedIn. Gain gigs (speaking, coaching or training gigs) and repurpose to create credible content.

4. Jenny, Is there a bonus?

Actually… OMG 😲, I forgot to say, there is!

Because I know that you are keen to get going and get your Facebook lives out there there's always an action involved, fast action!

1. You'll have access to a Facebook group with others who are also forming their Fabulous Facebook lives

2. I'll be in and out of the group personally to answer your questions

3. You'll get access to the previous live training recordings in here, so you can understand how others use their Facebook Lives and trust me, the possibilities are endless.

Got more questions?

Visit my Facebook Page The Queen of Being Seen and hit the message button

Class Creator & Lead Instructor

Jenny Kovacs

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Start Here First

    • [Gift] Exceptional Secrets for Exceptional Video Visibility

  • 2

    The 3 Most Effective Ways to Use Video

    • [Video Class] 3 Ways To Get More Video Visibility

    • [Worksheet] 3 Ways To Get More Video Visibility

  • 3

    Agenda for the Masterclass 17 November 17

    • Agenda to Join In LIVE

  • 4

    LIVE Q&A ~ 22nd April

    • Ask Me Anything Q&A Call

    • [April Q&A] How often do I post in my group?