Course Description

Facebook Challenge Profits

If you've ever wanted to raise your visibility, to make an impact on a Facebook challenge, or to run a "life Changing" challenge, then please read this...

I've discovered how to make your next Facebook challenge fabulous, fun and profitable, but most people find when they try it out, that their's is;

a) Tiring. They give it everything, only to feel burnt out, tired out and exhausted

b) Fruitless. After all the effort spent, they lost a lot of time and didn’t really make any new connections, clients or money

c) Even though they love what they do. They end up feeling frustrated, stress out and scared that they’re not that great at what they do!

My guess is that you've thought about running one too, but don’t know where to start or how to make it worthwhile.

And anyway

How on earth do you work out what to share:

~ without giving it away?
~ over a short space of time?
~ in a way which works for them and makes sense?

My name is Jenny Kovacs, I'm known as "The Queen of Being Seen" because I've helped 1000's of you to raise your visibility and activate your ability to stand out, to be seen and be heard and make a difference to those around you.

Since 2012, I’ve run numerous Facebook challenges which have definitely raised my visibility, my profile and grown a healthy community of ‘Visibility VIBErs’ I’ve also experienced huge successes, AND I’ve lost time, energy, faith, the will to live and momentum, in the early days I experienced some fantastic flops too.

I’ve watched other people, my friends, my peers, my mentors and strangers lose time, lose momentum and burn out, but I noticed one thing that was different.

Facebook challenges can be powerful, profitable and can be life changing... to your life and theirs.

And that's what I want to share.

In this online training, together we’ll create your next (or first) Facebook challenge.

One that’s transformational for them, exhilarating and profitable for you. We’ll cover key fundamentals to create, run and profit from your next Facebook challenge, so that you raise your profile, gain a wider audience and make a difference, while showcasing what you love, do and want to really do

This practical training, will guide you into action so that you can create your challenge with hands on help right there in the virtual classroom.

Whether you want to breathe vibrant new life into your business, create a crescendo in time for Christmas or kick start their New Year. You’ll receive very real and effective ways to get your challenge done.

Included in the training is the before, during and after process, swipe files for accompanying and follow up emails, so by the time you leave, your only job is to decide when to run the first one.

Together in a small and intimate group, with others who are also workshopping with you, we’ll create the time frame, the pricing, and how to stay connected with your attendees.

I including what to do so you avoid burnout, how best to engage the participants, how to encourage them and ways to support them

Why this isn't a free training?

Because this is about you running a profitable challenge and how to get a great return on your investment.

What it includes:

~ A complimentary Mindset Makeover Pre Course Module

An Online Ability Activator Session: Clarifying What to Run as a Facebook Challenge

~ How to know which part of your business or businesses to run your challenge on?
~ Uncover your best delivery medium and the framework to share during the challenge
~ Summary of templates for attendee user friendly documents and ideas for videos or audios
~ Best practises to build momentum, and the numbers (without having to use ads)
~ Discover whether to run it for free or to charge? And if so, how much to charge?
~ Best next steps after a Facebook challenge? Upsells, cross sells, down sells or no sell!

All during this ability activating online training

We’ll break down the process into


Although no pre work is required, you’ll also receive a pre training module and LIVE group call, which is recorded and available for replay if you can make it.

We’ll do this in a group setting, so that we can work on, create and craft your challenge

You’ll receive a series of 60 minute clarity Q&A group calls throughout the training, regardless of when you joined the programme (dates, times and dial in details are displayed inside the course).

AND for online training attendees, an additional support option is available* this comes at an additional charge.

With my help and experience, we’ll choose how to make your impact when standing out through Facebook challenges while you raise your profile, attract a new audience and become even more visible.

For ease of use this training programme is delivered virtually, please take your time and note that modules will be time released to aid your actions.

No taxi rides, no train journey's or rail stations and there is no packed lunch or parking spaces to seek, this is all from the comfort of your home, office or wherever you have wifi.


To grab your seat, please scroll down, select your preferred payment plan, then click the BUY NOW button to book

If you’ve been waiting to make a difference or get visible ‘one day’, then that one day may just be today, your new audience awaits...

Class Creator & Lead Instructor

Jenny Kovacs

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Mindset to Make it Happen in 7 Easy Steps (Optional)

    • Make Over Your Mindset

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 1 Clarity

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 1 Three Things to do Today

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 2 Room for the New

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 2 Declutter

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 3 Promise Yourself

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 3 Three Things to Support You Today

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 4 Banish Excuses

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 4 A Question for you

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 5 Calming the Storms

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 5 Breathe

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 7 I'm Saying Yesssss

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 7

    • Make Over Your Mindset 6 TBA

    • Make Over Your Mindset ~ 6 tba 2

  • 2

    Pre Course

    • 3 Different (and Effective) Ways to Use Video...

    • Q&A : 3 Types of Video

  • 3

    How to choose and why it's worth it

    • Life Changinging Challenge Preparation

  • 4

    Live Event Audio Recordings

    • rec 001

    • Facebook workshop 002

    • Facebook workshop 003

    • Facebook workshop 004

    • Facebook workshop 005

  • 5


    • Group Call Schedule ~ November 2016 ~ March 2017

    • Group Call 17-01-17

  • 6

    Motivational Video's

    • Motivation ~ Avoid Overwhelm

    • The Key To Consistent Visibility

    • Q&A Wednesday March 2017

    • Visibility. Made. Easy. #1

  • 7

    Guest Interviews

    • Claire Scott ~ Great Great Business Habits

    • Brenda Gabriel ~ PR For Passionate Game Changers

    • Visibility. Made. Easy. #2

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.